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(+30) 210 482-3984


  • Separates non-ferrous materials.
  • It features long-lasting and highly durable permanent magnet technology.
  • Ensures the separation of aluminium scrap
  • Increases material processing capacity and profitability and reduces labour costs in factories
  • Ensures the most accurate and efficient separation of materials


The EDDY CURRENT magnetic separator facilitates the separation of non-ferrous metals, neutral materials (glass, stone, plastic, wood, etc.) and ferrous pieces, i.e. 3 different materials, in different containers. It is a separator that helps to recover materials such as (Al, Cu, brass, etc.) that are considered industrial waste, thus minimizing the damage they cause to the environment.

This separator is widely used in the recycling industry for waste, automotive and electronic equipment.

Operating principle

The EDDY CURRENT separator works on the theory of current induction when a conductor is placed in a high frequency and variable magnetic field. The EDDY CURRENT separator has two types of rotors. One of these rotors is a high-strength rotor used for precise or special separation operations and the other is a standard rotor for separating less complex materials. While the magnetic rotor is operating, it generates a variable high-frequency magnetic field on its surface. When the material to be separated enters the high-frequency variable magnetic field, a birefringence occurs inside the metal. The thrust force allows the diamagnetic material to be recovered by pushing it out of the variable high-frequency magnetic field.
